Proud Middleton Moments
This is the combined graduation rate for Middleton High School (92.8%) and Middleton Academy (76.%). The 4-year average district graduation rate is 81.1%.
This 2023 Floriculture FFA Team, Annie Harrison, Madi Cable, Kayelee Austin and Ryann Moore, placed second in national competition. Our FFA students regularly win at the state level and go onto compete at the national level.
After exceeding their goal of completing 3,000 Random Acts of Kindness, Middleton Middle School students were rewarded with root beer floats. About 20 adults served the students.
Four students in the Johnson Family won the highest awards at the state Idaho Invention Convention. Several other students also placed. Check Middleton Schools on Facebook for the details.
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5 S Viking Ave, Middleton, ID 83644, USA
5 S Viking Ave, Middleton, ID 83644, USA