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Simmons, Ange


Phone: 208-585-3065

Qualifications: Boise State University, BA Elementary Education

Ms. Ange Simmons


My name is Ange Simmons and I am excited to welcome you to 5th grade! I have many amazing things planned and I can’t wait to get to know everybody. Let me start by telling you a little about myself.

From my earliest memories, I have had three major passions in my life. Teaching, learning, and horses. When I was a young girl I would line up all my toys: stuffed animals, dolls, horses, and even trucks, to teach them a daily lesson. In May of 2000, I achieved my dream of graduating from Boise State University with a degree in Elementary Education. Shortly after that, I was blessed with a long-term substitute job teaching 5th grade. I stayed with that class from the middle of September to the end of the year. It was an amazing experience and one I will always treasure. In February of that school year, my husband and I discovered that we were expecting our first child. We made the decision that I would stay home until all our children were in school. I now have three wonderfully crazy boys.   Peyton is 18 and headed to University of Idaho this year. Cooper is 16 and attends Eagle High School. He loves Lacrosse and is an amazing artist. Turner is 12 and attends Eagle Middle School.  He loves football and baseball. 

After 14 years of working from home, I was so ready to jump back into educating!  However, I knew things had changed a LOT since I had been in the classroom, and I thought it was important for me to learn the new techniques before I stepped into my own classroom.  So, before applying for any certified teaching positions, I spent three years working as a Title 1 paraprofessional in the Boise School District. My time there was invaluable and I learned more than I ever expected!

As I said before, I am eager to meet everybody and I can't wait to get this year going! I am an advocate of teamwork and collaboration both for myself and my students. I know this year will be different in that aspect, but I will still work on teaching students how to work together... from a distance. :) I am also a believer in the arts so I plan to integrate art into our CORE curriculum learning. I think it is extremely important for students to be involved in every aspect of their educational experience, from classroom rules to the presentation of their ideas and discoveries.  This is THEIR classroom and THEIR 5th grade experience. 

Throughout all of my past teaching and parenting adventures, I have come to realize one common thread. In the beginning, I set out to teach children, and I end up learning more than I ever could have imagined. I cannot wait to see what I will learn this year!

With Heartfelt Sincerity,
Ange Simmons